Saturday, June 27, 2009

Nollaf's Tower Goes to the Special Olympics

Hello, little fools who are strange enough to read this blog without running out the door screaming (due to the philosophical concepts frequently mentioned throughout this blog that reflect in actually intelligent ideas). Yesterday, I volunteered. No, what...volunteered isn't the right word. I was press-ganged by my parents to "volunteer" at the Special Olympics. This year, it was held at the Aggie Stadium of UC Davis, practically at my doorstep. Normally on a Friday Night, I would lock the doors, get some European cheeses and crackers and play some World of Warcraft. But, my parents dragged me to this event. Their motives are unknown to me, but I think that they were trying to open up my heart (and making it 3x it's size, giving me the strength of TEN emos, plus 2). Yeah, I did the community service, but my heart is still as cold and hallow as it was that afternoon.

My job was simple, to usher the athletes to there seats. They had us get there an hour earlier with not a single job for us to do. So we sat their for an hour some pissed off mother (not mine, one of the athletes) was telling me how to usher them, fortunately I did put up with her infernal gibbering for too long. I donned my IPod and listened to some Final Fantasy VI Original Soundtrack...(sighs with solace) anyways, an hour later the opening torch ceremony began. I just pointed towards the general direction that they were supposed to go for about half an hour, once I was stationed.

However, one thing made it all worth while. You know how in ALL sporting events like this some scantally clad, amateur pop singer that NO ONE has ever heard of before comes up stage and sings our empire's, sorry I mean country's "national anthem". Now, she came over for a second song. It was some sort of sexual hype song, the choirs was "I coming up so you better get me started". Why would they sing that song? The selection of the musical score was not very well done either, a majority of the songs were orchestral version of rock songs with highly suggestive lyrics. Not to mention due to the background audio, the singer was almost instantly thrown off key. My mother and I laughed into the sunset, so that was fun.

After the torch was lit, I left. I was not moved as a person, it did not feel anything good in my heart, if anything it was humorous to mock the audio. Well, if anything I won karma points (if karma really exists, BIG if). The whole experience did not change me in any definition of the word, I remain the same evil, misanthropic ranter that I always have been.

1 comment:

  1. ... But the starfish LOVES YOU Charlie!
