Sunday, June 28, 2009

So, you People are Embrassed by my Point of View?

Well, then after a brief word with a viewer. It has come to my attention that some of you viewers consider me to be a bastard. Now, personally I couldn't care less about what the general public thinks of my point of view. Here's a little post about how I'm not UTTERLY corrupt.

I don't go around maiming people, OK? I just don't see the point in helping someone directly who hasn't helped you in a similar way. If someone is kind or helps me, I thank them and move on. If someone hinders or insults me, either I do a similar deed or I just walk away. Now, for the comedy of my previous blog. A viewer left a comment that was very deep and full of emotion, negative towards me. A parental figure, he claimed that I was "mean and spiteful". OK, that was just for dark humor. I don't see the harm in it. Besides the chances of that singer running into my blog is extremely minor or second to non-existent. Some of you may think that I was mocking the special Olympics, I am NOT! I was mocking the way that it was coordinated. Specifically the event coordination, I would never mock the mentally disabled. Did I mention anything negative about the athletes, no.

And if this singer did find my blog and if she did read this article, if she can't take criticism, she has no real purpose as a singer. A true singer would just be insulted for a while, send some hate mail and move on after a month at the most. Truth be told, I am writing for myself and if anyone gets insulted, well I'm not the most crazed, most evil bastard floating in the void of the Internet. If anyone is ashamed of me, very well. I cannot change that, nothing can. And if you viewers find my concepts upsetting, well you can just send me some hate mail and walk away (if it is really bigotry or is flawed, I'll post and exploit your flaws on multiple levels so please think carefully before you bombard me).

Was I mocking the Olympics, on a level, yes I was. I was mocking they way that it was poorly designed. But, I do not see any sin in pointing out how poorly organized it was, or if I gave a brutal review of a singer. My point is, there are many crueler people on this planet, why waste your ammo on me when you could be doing so to a child pornography site or a Neo-Nazi organization site. My point is, their is no sin in exorcising your 1st amendment rights and exploiting controversial concepts and material that others will most likely find offensive. As long as you have an intelligent cause and not just bigotry as a source. If you exploit flaws in an all too sensitive topic, well then people are bound to get upset. It was a risk that I knew and took. And for anyone offended, I sincerely apologize. I may be edited, yes. But censored, never.

If you people haven't figured out this by now, here is the truth about this blog: I am a homosexual. LOL, jk, jk...hehheh, sorry, I had to throw in something cyncial in their somewhere. Anyways, (ahem) I write for myself, just as JRR Tolkien did with the Lord of the Rings, this is my honset point of view. If you pepole have an issue with it, well you don't have to read it.


  1. Nollaf said:

    If someone is kind or helps me, I thank them and move on. If someone hinders or insults me, either I do a similar deed or I just walk away.

    See the problem with that is that if everyone did likewise then nothing would ever get done. Someone has to take the initiative. Say you help someone, then they may or may not help you back. This seems logically less economical than waiting for someone to help you first, because if some helps you first, then you are guaranteed a fair exchange.

    However, that's a false economy, because by taking the initiative, you are creating far more opportunities for mutual benefit than by simply waiting - hence your total benefit is greater.

    Check out "altruism", and specifically "reciprocal altruism"

    Altruism can also be quite pleasurable, although that's perhaps an acquired taste one develops with age, like wine.

  2. Well, that I meant, I don't go out of my way to help others, that's what i meant. I just don't see the real point in doing otherwise.

  3. The only thing I have an issue with is that you should use the spell check after you write a post! You are too good and smart a writer to lessen it with sloppy spelling mistakes.

    Of course, I always forget to use the spell check on my own posts, so feel free to disregard this advice.

  4. I agree with Mick and Holly both. Mick's link to reciproca altrusim reminded me of symbiosis.
